Friday, May 2, 2008

More Animals

It's getting late on a Friday, so I'll make a confession: I like to take pictures of pets. And although few will admit it publicly, I'm pretty sure that most photographers do as well. After all, who better to test out that new lens upon than the captive kitty or doggie in your home? They don't complain about having their picture taken, get bored, or even mind having a flash repeatedly go off in their face. Well, at least they don't complain about it. Not in words, anyway.

Meet Chelsea, who lives with my brother & sister in law in California:

This is my boy Fritz, the Greatest Cat of All Time:

He's such a ham:

Here he is with Colleen on a sunday morning:

I also like strangers' pets. I don't know the woman's name, but her tabby's called Mary:

By the way, has anyone else noticed that the ubiquitous Starbucks (tm) paper cup has become the clear favorite among panhandlers? Upmarket coffee for downmarket folks -- but only when empty -- oh the humanity!

Look at this guy -- he seems really concerned about the traffic in SoHo. "Yo -- what's the hold up? Let's get moving!":

Gray eyes unnerve me, whether in humans or dogs:

And, finally, I know what you're thinking: With this beast around, why do they need an alarm?


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