Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Pride Week is the happiest time of year in the ol' Apple -- and I ain't just punning on 'gay'. Even rain couldn't dampen the enthusiasm during Sunday's parade.

The ladies next to me assured me that these were fake:

I couldn't tell; combination of poor eyesight & lack of experience with such matters.

It was hot despite the rain. Paraders were very grateful to this watergirl (waterwoman?), here posing for an admirer in the crowd:

I confess to having played D&D (Dungeons & Dragons for the non-dorks) in high school; but I never -- I swear, never -- had anything to do with the Renaissance Faire / Society crowd:

Those folks never get a break; upstaged by the Mighty Green Penis (not sure of actual moniker)!

How about Jolly Green Giant (Dick)?


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