Thursday, May 8, 2008

2 Cents: Schadenfreude

This doesn't top Elliot Spitzer, but the recent downfall of yet another arrogant hypocrite is nonetheless delightful:

That's Republican congressman Vito Fossella of Staten Island. Fossella, a law-and-order, "pro-family," pro-war Republican and Cheney pal, was arrested for driving while drunk last week, with a BAC over twice the legal limit. And just today, we learn that the wasted Fossella, a married father of three, was on his way to see (1) his mistress and (2) their 3-year-old daughter. Delightful.

On the schadenfreude scale, this doesn't beat our former AG Spitzer. But it comes close to Republican Senator (yes, still Senator) Larry Craig, he of the Wide Stance.

From an unnamed men's room, by an unknown wag:


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